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    With the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 the United States entered World War II on the side of the Allies with Great Britain and the Soviet Union to fight the Axis Powers of Germany, Japan, and Italy.  The United States and its allies eventually win World War II in 1945.


World War II



World War II Part 1

Crash Course

On December 8, 1941 (the day after Pearl Harbor) FDR addressed the nation that the U.S. was now at war.

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor catapulted the U.S. into WWII

course of the War


WWII European

Animated Map


WWII Pacific

Animated Map


The Axis Powers of Germany, Japan, and Italy made massive invasions in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin at the Yalta Conference to discuss post war Europe.

VE Day is celebrated May 8, 1945.

American and Russian soldiers meeting in friendship after defeating their common Nazi German enemies.


World War II Part 2

Crash Course

The Home front

American sailor celebrated VJ Day,

September 2, 1945

Women served in non combative roles, but often were needed on the front lines

Japanese American Internment Camps

Women & Arsenal for democracy

Sadly, the U.S. ordered the internment of Japanese Americans into camps during WWII.

Women contributed to the war effort by joining the nurse corps, the WAAC, or working in factories to build the supplies for the war effort in the Great Arsenal of Democracy.  Rosie the Riveter's "We Can Do It." poster is one of the most well known images of WWII

American Bombers: B-24 (left), B-29 (right)

Japanese interment did not uncover any Japanese Americans secretly working for Japan and is seen as a dark spot on American history.

The Holocaust

Jews and other minority groups were sent to Death Camps and Concentration Camps such as Auschwitz.

Survivors of the Holocaust were elated to see the arrival of American liberators.

The U.S. initially did nothing to stop the holocaust in Europe.

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