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    The Great Depression begins with Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929 when the stock market crashed.  This event lead to a world wide economic depression which left many Americans jobless and homeless.  The south was also hit by drought which became known as the Dust Bowl.  In 1932 Franklin Roosevelt won the presidency and vowed to fix the problem with the "New Deal" to stimulate the economy by getting Americans back to work.

The Great Depression and New Deal

The Great Depression

Years of overproduction and underconsumption, and a weak banking system contributed to the cause the Great Depression, however, many consider the Stock Market crash of October 29, 1929 a.k.a. Black Tuesday as the official beginning.


Great Depression

Crash Course

To survive many waited in bread lines for food.

Dorothea Lange's photograph of a migrant mother.

Map of areas affected by the Dust Bowl.


The New Deal

Crash Course

New Deal Programs, nicknamed Alphabet Soup helped put American back to work and made FDR a very popular president.  He is the only president to be elected to the office of president 4 times.


Franklin Delano Roosevelt

The New Deal

The Depression took its toll on everyone, including children.

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