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    The United States at the end of the 19th century was a time of great growth in our country.  It is a time of great innovation and people are moving out of rural areas and into the cities.  The Industrial Revolution marks the end of making many things by hand to making items like textiles by machine.  These inventions help to redefine American jobs and force the United States to adapt to the times.


The Industrial Revolution and Urbanization 

Child labor was a part of life during the American Industrial Revolution.

Child labor was dangerous and accidents sometime meant loss of limbs


Inventor, Nikola Tesla

Lowell Girls


American Industrial Revolution

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The American Industrial Revolution

Skyscrappers made it possible for more people to live in cities.




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Urbanization led to an increase in public education.

Immigration contributed to population growth in the U.S. with immigrants from Europe coming through Ellis Island (left) and Asian immigrants coming through Angel Island (right).

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