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Civil Rights to Global Age

  The Civil Rights Era takes place during the Cold War, but is arguably still going on today.  The Movement is in response to policies that were considered acceptable in the U.S. such as segregation and other forms of prejudice based on skin color or anything else that would make someone different from the majority in America.

  After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the United States emerged as the only major Super Power in the world.  The U.S. has taken on a role of "world police" and has engaged in several military conflicts since including Lebanon, Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Kosovo, the Gulf War, Afghanistan, and Iraq.  Some of these conflicts are fought in the name of fighting terrorism, which has become an increasing problem for the U.S. in recent years.  In addition to these conflicts the U.S. has become a center for technology and innovation.



The Civil Rights Movement


Civil Rights

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After the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court Ruling, public schools became integrated.

Civil Rights Backlash

The Civil Rights Movement was not popular among all Americans.  Like any movement of change, it was met with opposition and even riots, particularly in the south.  This time period saw a resurgence in the use of the Confederate flag as a symbol of support against Civil Rights, which plays a factor in the controversy of the flag today.

I Have a Dream Speech

Civil Rights Expanded



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Several Civil Rights movements continued into the 60s and onwards including: Women, Native Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Persons with Disabilites, and Gay & Lesbian.

Super Heroes have been a good way to idolize heroes of different communites top to bottom listed: Rogue (women), Warpath (Native American), Jubilee (Asian American), Spider-Girl (Hispanic), Professor X (Physically Disabled), Hawkeye (Deaf/Hard of Hearing) 

(Non of these superheroes will be on your test)


Ford and Carter

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The 1970 to Reagan

The "Reagan Revolution" pushed much of the country towards conservatism.


Reagan Revolution

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Clinton Years

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G. W. Bush

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The reagan Presidency

The Reagan era was a very good time for the upper class, however "trickle down" economics did not have the desired effect for those in the working class.

Bush Sr.'s presidency engaged the U.S. in multiple military operations including: Operations Just Cause, Desert Shield, and Desert Storm, however, Bush was limited to a single term due in large part to a struggling economy.

Clinton's presidency had large economic growth for the country.  The U.S. engaged in military actions in Bosnia and Somalia for world protection. However, Clinton lost some favor during the Lewinski scandal.

George W. Bush's response to the 9/11 attacks was to declare war on terror.  However, Bush linked weapons of mass destruction to Iraq and engaged the U.S. into a costly war with a country with no links to the attack or weapons of mass destruction.

Obama's bailout of the auto industry saved thousands of American jobs and saved American companies like GM, however the Affordable Health Care Act, is seen by conservatives as government takeover of health care and liberals see it as not going far enough to help those without insurance.

Presidential terms of the global age

The Clinton Presidency

The Bush (41) Presidency

The Bush (43) Presidency

The obama Presidency

 The American economy has made an undeniable shift towards computers during the global age.

The political divide has increased over the years.  Democrats and Republicans both have been unable to reach many compromises and both blame the other side. 

Technology and politics

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